The 17th Black Bears owns a certain amount of group gear. To that extent, we can loan some gear to scouts who need to borrow gear. This gear is limited, and maybe checked out a week before the camping/hiking. It will be assigned on a first come first serve basis based on registering for the event. Beyond that, some families or leaders may have additional gear, and we will do our best to outfit scouts as a group as much as possible.
If you need to purchase gear and are not sure what to get, we have put together a list of suggestions.
Here are things that you should take on camping trips.
- Sleeping Bag
- Sleeping Pad
- Spare Clothes / rain gear / jacket
- Water
- Some personal snacks (trail mix)
- Personal Mess kit and utensils
- Flashlight
- Sun protection
- Good sturdy footwear
- Personal First aid kit
- Fire starting kit (Timberwolves, Pathfinders, and Rovers only.)
- Knife (Timberwolves, Pathfinders, and Rovers only!)
- Compass
- Personal sanitation/toiletries (including TP, toothbrush, etc).
What to bring on a backpacking trip:
- Everything listed above (try to lower the weight some).
- Hiking Backpack
- Be sure that it fits correctly and can carry everything you are bringing with you.
- The packed weight of the pack should be 20% or less than your body weight.
- Ready to eat / easy to cook meals.
- Extra water (at least two quarts per day).
- Hand sanitizer
Before you go camping, always check that you have your 10 Essentials!